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Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Residential A Zoning Concept Plan Layout

Plan, layout, space, Design, Decorating, Accessories, Rooms, Beds, Concept Plan, Room Layout
Residential A Zoning Concept Plan Room Layout

Plan, layout, space, Design, Decorating, Concept Plan, Room Layout, Accessories, Rooms, Beds
Living Room Design and Familiar

Plan, layout, space, Design, Decorating, Accessories, Rooms, Beds, Building In Harmony, Aesthetic of Modern Building, Corridor
Zoning Concept Plan Design House

Plan and layout of the room is a vital element essential building affect its final shape homes, especially in occupancy which has limited land area. Home design This place really the result of consideration of the function room and needs of owners then be applied creatively. Detail the nuances of building and also geometrically Zoning buildings expressly designed by the lines of a consistent design.

1. Family Room memorable Grace With Number of Aperture And Accents
Wood Floor
2. Simplicity of the modern facade that tend to be introvert
3. Outer Space Design Support Display Building In Harmony
4. The length of the corridor Corridor Yang Within Results
5. Processing of Small Corridor Towards Beautiful On The Main Bedroom The Being
At Level Two
6. Consistent Pattern Lines And Fields In An Aesthetic of Modern Building
Contribute a better translation

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